A loving moment with Jarvis
Happy New Year!!
In today’s post I will be styling my cosy poncho, but first….Following the Christmas and New Year indulgences I am attempting to return to my routine of eating healthy, avoiding sweet treats which are my downfall and getting back to my daily exercise routine too. Even a few weeks away from my routine can result in a few added pounds, especially, around my middle. So, I have started my daily walking 3-5 times a week around our local Country Park, which I love, once I find my stride. It is well documented that there are psychological benefits to walking. And, it’s a chance to soak up nature, especially when Spring takes hold.
I have got to know one of the Swan families local to us over the last two years. Sometimes, my husband joins me – he usually prefers to hop on his mountain bike and take off for a couple of hours. But, the icy conditions we are currently experiencing don’t always allow for that. I download podcasts for my walk and enjoy listening to various people on “Desert Island Discs”, sharing their life stories. I do have a fascination with how people get from a to b.

One of the swan families in my local park.
Returning from my walk, I do some stretching exercises followed by a few weights. I always feel brighter, mentally, when I’m doing my routine. It works for me. I’m not obsessed with how many steps I do, and this is not a daily hike, or I would probably avoid it. I walk for around 45 minutes at a brisk pace. And, if no one’s looking, I sometimes do a little trot which is great for getting the heart beating faster. I’m hoping this will help me lose a few inches and I know it’s great for my mental and physical health. I always feel more upbeat when I’m in my routine.

Wearing my River Island Cape with corduroys and New Look Vegan boots
What I’m Wearing, Right Now
The saying, “Get the wardrobe basics right and everything else follows” is so true. You may remember, in my last post, I mentioned a cape/poncho (no Clint Eastwood jokes, please!!) that I had my eye on. I love the look of this cape. Luckily, the Christmas fairy got wind of it, and, there it was, waiting for me, on Christmas morning.
This winter cape is perfect to throw on over jeans, casual trousers, or a dress. I find that it’s important to know what “not” to wear underneath a cape like this, or it can be simply too much. This cape is a bulkier style so it’s best to wear it with a lightweight blouse, dress, or knitwear like I am wearing, here. Otherwise, you may feel swamped!
As I live in my vegan Chelsea boots, jeans, and leather trousers, this cape has been so invaluable. So, it has joined my list of basics. I wore it a lot in Spain as the evenings were quite cold. It came in very handy and will do so, again, when Spring arrives, which hopefully isn’t too far away.

With Jarvis
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Please leave a message in the comments if you have any questions
Take care.
Alison x
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We also dream of living abroad, but that would be the UK then! And I also always feel better after a walk in nature. Even when it is so cold. We need fresh air!
Thank you, Nancy. I agree, getting out into the fresh air is the best tonic. It’s been freezing here so not the best, just as long as the sun is shining I’m happy.x
Love the poncho. They are the handiest of things! Very interested to hear how your recces go. I would like to live in Greece but Mr M doesn’t want to. Enjoyed Jacqui’s post about you ( forget to say in the comments!l
Thank you, Gail. My poncho has been so useful, both for our little trip and here. Great to just throw on over anything really. So pleased you enjoyed the question and answer post – the questions really made me think. x
I’ve put on a stone since lockdown! I’m finding it hard to shift too. I’ve started doing Yoga. Just short sessions. I will be taking up fast-paced walking too. Hopefully, this will help. Love the Ponch. It looks so cosy xx
The extra weight is so hard to shift when we’re older isn’t it. I keep thinking about joining a yoga class and then don’t do anything about it. Think I need to be more proactive! xx
That is so neat you have swans nearby! My husband and I visited Costa del Sol about 10 years ago and really enjoyed it. Spain is a fun country to visit!
Thank you, Laura. Hope you’re having a lovely weekend.xx
I love this outfit, Alison! The cape has such a nice relaxed vibe and looks great.
My husband and I were talking about relocating to Spain before the pandemic. Estepona was on our list of possibilities. But I am an only child, and have the care of my mother. She lives with us and wants no part of being an expatriate. I don’t blame her really. So I will live vicariously through your posts.
Thank you, Michelle. My post will be ready in a few days. I know what you mean, regarding moving to a foreign country full time, it’s not easy leaving loved ones behind and other responsibilities . At the moment renting for a few months here and there may be the better option for us too!
That’s a beautiful and cozy poncho! I’m looking forward to finding out more about your trip.
Thank you, Lovely. It certainly kept me warm in the evenings on our trip to Spain.x
You look so warm and cozy in that poncho! What a sweet kitty and such a beautiful color fur!
I have worn this poncho so much. It’s great to throw on when it gets chilly. Jarvis looks at his best in the colder weather with his winter coat. He’s fifteen in a few months time, bless him.xx
Love that you gave us a catching up of your latest Alison. Glad Santa brought you that beautiful and versatile poncho. Love those gorgeous swans you get to see on your walks, too. It is too freezing to even go outside and turn on the car here but Spring can’t be too far, right?!
Happy Valentine’s Day and welcome by and join my weekly Thursday Moda. =) Terying to get back to a blogging nromalcy, here. =)
I was so pleased with this poncho and have worn it quite a lot. It’s lovely quality, so will last quite a long time. Oh that sounds very, very cold Ada. Let’s hope Spring is just around the corner.x
I really enjoyed my ponchos and wraps this fall and winter but it is not time to swtich them for light layers and kimonos. I am going to work on cutting out some sugars and doing some intermittent fasting for the next 5 weeks or so in order to cut out an inch hopefully around my belly area. I have been running and walking regularly but should add some weight work for my upper half.
I love your cosy poncho. We watch A Place in the Sun frequently – my husband records them all! We want to retire abroad, probably Madeira as it’s a nice temperature all year round. Jarvis is gorgeous!
Emma xxx
We have dreams of moving to the sunshine, maybe in a few year’s time. Great that you have found Madeira – we want to fall in love with somewhere and then decide but
it just hasn’t happened yet. xx