My Experience of Using “Threads Styling Service”.

IMG 8220 Midlife and BeyondIMG 8220 1 Midlife and Beyond IMG 8220 Midlife and BeyondThreads styling service is the perfect solution when we lose our style mojo. This happened to me a while ago. I was having an extremely hectic time with my job and my family. Coming up to the present day and, pandemics allowed, I have returned to work temporarily, which I enjoy.

IMG 8335 Midlife and BeyondBut, back then, through life changes, I started a new journey finding not only my style but myself, in midlife, too. Due to ageing and hormones, I know my body shape has changed. I wanted to find the best possible style which would suit me, now, without looking over dressed. I love that effortless look. Back then, it was the beginnings of Instagram and Pinterest. I started to take note of what people were wearing in my age group on the various forums, and how they put an outfit together. This inspired me to try new styles. At that time, my wardrobe was predominantly “work wear.”

IMG 8336. Midlife and BeyondOne of the most important things I have learned is that looking good is not due to buying loads of new stuff. It is important to spend the time figuring out what makes me feel stylish, comfortable and confident. I have certainly made fashion faux pas, over the years. So, lately, when it comes to purchasing something new, I tend to buy a staple item that I love, knowing I will wear it for years to come.

IMG 8044 Midlife and Beyond IMG 8367 Midlife and BeyondFor a little while, I have been looking for an oversized jacket which will be a great addition to my wardrobe. So, when an online company called, Threads Styling” contacted me to see if I wanted to try their free styling service, I thought they may be able to help me with my search. I was impressed by what I saw on their website, so I registered with them and found the initial process very user-friendly.IMG 7910 Midlife and Beyond

IMG 7947 Midlife and Beyond This is not a subscription service and there is no obligation at all to buy anything. I entered all my statistics including eye and hair colour, my style preferences and budget. Then, they generated a personalised selection of clothing that would  suit my profile. They have a vast range of mainstream, boutique brands which include ME+EM, NA-KD, Whistles and River Island, from high street to designer and smaller independent names you might not have discovered, yet. They have over eight hundred brands to choose from, which is so impressive. Plus, there is no pressure to purchase and free returns, too.

IMG 8251 Midlife and Beyond There were outfit suggestions sent to me by email which were personalised to my style, size, and budget. Hannah, a Threads personal stylist, was on hand to help me navigate shopping and outfit building. I found this to be extremely helpful and it does take the hassle out of shopping, ensuring you buy items you will wear.

The jacket  (above) that I chose is this Oversized Twill Blazer from NA-KD for £77.95. Overall, the service provided by Thread both before, during and after the purchase, was particularly good. Hannah guided me through a couple of options, and I found the process to be seamless, from selection, and purchase to delivery. Getting assistance with sizes and styles was a big bonus.

IMG 8390 Midlife and BeyondHannah also provided some ideas of many ways to style my jacket. Here in the photographs, I am wearing a cream pair of trousers, but I am so tempted to buy the trousers that go with this jacket as they are a perfect match. As you can see, I have also styled my jacket with my satin dress and flared jeans. This is such a versatile item which I will wear a lot.


Would I use Thread, again? Yes, and that is because I found the service to be great for new style ideas which I wouldn’t have necessarily thought of myself – with the added bonus of the service being free.  I love that you can get tailored recommendations even if you just want to buy the simplest of outfits, or you are just after a few ideas and some advice.

If you register with Thread via one of my links, you will receive a discount of 20% off everything and free delivery when you spend at least £75 or more.

I hope you have enjoyed my post.  Please leave a message in the comments if you have any questions

Take care.

Alison x

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  1. Helen Woolley

    Arrr I googled last year ‘ can a 50 year old wear dungarees ?’ and your post about the very same subject popped up and yes I bought some and some like shorts dungarees . I love your posts on Instagram and I’m going to be 60 next year and I’ve recently had a style makeover which has given me my va va voom back 🤗

    • As a woman in my Sixty second year I’m still enjoying trying new styles. I look everywhere for inspiration. Instagram, blogs, Pinterest and Threads are great for picking up tips aren’t they. Thank you so much for your comment I appreciate it Helen. x

  2. /

    That sounds like a good service. I might consider using it to try out. We all could use it sometimes I guess.

    • So true Nancy. I certainly do – they have sent through some great suggestions and
      style ideas. xx

  3. Emily

    Interesting because I tried their service having been impressed with the ‘man’ version and having bought quite a few things for my partner and sons. However, I was not impressed with the women’s and I was very honest in my replies on the questionnaire. I’m 5ft 4 so technically petite. I don’t wear black ever and I don’t show a lot of skin. My problem area is my tummy. Yet I was regularly recommended black, tight tummy items and items with a lot of skin. Considering you cover skin tone, hair and eye colour much of what was offered wasn’t that flattering to my colour or body shape so often the styles would drown a petite frame. The idea is that you respond and gradually your tastes are learned and refined so I was happy to do that but after 6 months my stylist wasn’t taking any notice of my preferences so I gave up. Great idea but poorly executed unfortunately. I would have loved it to work.

    • Hi Emily,
      Sorry to hear you didn’t have a good experience with “Thread”. Especially when you were initially impressed with the service. I fully understand. I have been in touch with Thread to see if they can help in any way. The support team have asked for your contact details to have a look at the issues raised and hopefully help. Let me know if you would like me to send them your email.xx

      • Emily

        Hi – that is very thoughtful of you. I do not use the personal stylist service at Lakeside, Thurrock and do it in person. It’s free but I do buy almost everything she suggests. It means she can see it on and offer an opinion and I can discuss what I’m after and what I do and don’t want. My jeans length is in the right place and I come out with outfits. They take photos of receipts so I presume they get paid commission as well. It might have been that the Thread stylist was young, tall, model like and clearly on the cutting edge but that’s not day to day for me (if ever). I don’t mind if you pass on my details as happy to discuss experience but tbh I don’t see me going back.

  4. Until you said those were your trousers, I’d thought you’d bought them together with the jacket! I love it with the pink skirt! I’m 64 and find my style evolving almost every week with the changes in my body, hair, attitude! Ok…my style may change, but my wardrobe does not! I don’t have that kind of money! But, what appeals to me does. And, with few exceptions, I wear what I want and age has little say!

    Interesting take on shopping! I’m glad it worked well for you!

    • My Style is evolving too Marsha. Along side my attitude that is for sure, that did give me a chuckle! I know I’m more outspoken than I’ve ever been, maybe that comes with age and experience too. My wardrobe is basically the same with a few tweaks here and there, nothing dramatic. Just what makes me feel good and within budget. xx

  5. Hi Alisson!
    That sounds like a great service and also love that there is no commitment as far as subscription. I hear you on not always buying new stuff! I have primarily added in this year where “holes” existed and have donated much as well as sell on Poshmark. I have beeen thrifting and buying from outlets this year as well as shopping my own closet. I do love the blazer that you selected and it looks so smart with the trousers and slip dress.
    Have a great weekend!
    jess xx

    • Thank you, Jess. I am thoroughly enjoying using this service, and love the styling ideas they send to me. I have worn this jacket so much since I received it – it’s super stylish and goes with just about everything. Have a fab weekend! xx

  6. /

    Glad to hear you had a good experience with Thread. It sounds like they make a strong effort to deliver a high-quality service to their customers. I’m in my 70s, and my style is still evolving. It’s fun and energizing to stay up-to-date with fashions that make us feel good about ourselves.

    • I couldn’t agree more. I love trying out new styles, some work and some don’t. I immediately know if I feel good in an outfit and I still get that buzz if I’m wearing something which makes me feel great. Have a lovely weekend Carol. x

  7. Jayne

    Love your oversized jacket and jean look! I recently got an oversized jacket and wasn’t sure it would pair with jeans, I am now inspired to try it!

    • Thank you, Jayne. I’ve worn this jacket quite a lot since receiving it and I’ve also brought it to Spain as it’s perfect for the chilly evenings. I love wearing it with my jeans too!

    • It is such a great service and once signed up they send style ideas which is so helpful.x

  8. /

    Very interesting to read your review. I’ve only used a service like this once, StitchFix, and there are fees and so on, so Thread sounds a lot easier. I imagine it would be excellent for particular occasions, for women whose shape has changed a lot, or for people moving to a different lifestyle. Thanks for linking.

    • It is – I’ve worn it a lot since receiving it. Have a great week. xx

  9. Such a great, versatile jacket. I’ve never used a styling service but I’m curious to know what a stylist would make of my sartorial whims! Thanks for linking up!

    Emma xxx

    • I know what you mean Emma, as most of us have our own individual style and I love yours. I found the ideas from a trained stylist to be helpful and she gave me a different perspective and new ideas which I found helpful. xx

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