IMG 7677xxxx Midlife and Beyond  I don’t like to faff about with endless hair tools and styling sprays.  So, my usual request from the hairdresser is a half head of highlights, a few long layers, and a trim.  Over the years, there has been the odd variation of a bob, or more layers added – but, no major changes.

My natural colour is mousy brown with some lighter shades, here and there.  The texture of my hair is quite fine – but I take after my mum in that I have a lot of it.  Over the years, I’ve made colour, rather than cut, my priority.  This is because I have a lot of red in my hair and it can be tricky to colour.  I have, on a few occasions, left the hairdressers with a strange hue, which I haven’t noticed until I’ve arrived home.  Why is it your hair always looks so different in the hairdresser’s chair?

My current hairdresser is very experienced and makes her job look easy.  I know a lot of training and expertise is needed and she demonstrates all of the qualities of a great hairdresser.

Last year, my hairdresser wasn’t available due to maternity leave – so, my hair routine altered slightly.  My choices were to either find another hairdresser, or do something myself, in the interim, until she returned to work. 

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This is the Clairol Root Touch Up I use every 4 to 6 weeks. I use the 6A shade.

So, I decided to do the bare minimum with my hair to see where it would take me.  I thought, to get me over the next six months, I would learn how to put several highlights on the top layer of my hair to brighten it up, hence, extending my time to need a hairdresser.  I don’t have a lot of grey, so I decided I would see how I got on, with regard to touching up my roots.

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These are the Wella Toners I mix to tone the highlights

To begin my research, I watched a lot of “YouTube” tutorials. I also read up on how to apply highlights using bleach and developers, and then how to tone my hair, if the result was too bright.  I only wanted three highlights on either side of my parting – which I thought would be enough. 

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I didn’t touch my hair until November of that year (four months after my last visit)!  My hairdresser had given my hair a good trim in late July, so the length was fine.  I found a few helpful tutorials.  I had also picked up quite a lot, over the years, watching my various hairdressers at work.  I can’t say I wasn’t a little bit nervous, from the outset.

I sent away for the solutions needed, then set to work.  I tested with only a few strands of hair and it looked fine.  So, this spurred me on to do all six highlights.

Preparation was key.  So, I separated the few highlights, securing them with small clips.  Then, I applied the bleach, covering each one with tin foil.  When the highlights had lifted to the honey blonde I was after, I whipped the foil off and washed my hair – not applying conditioner, as per the instructions.  Then, I brushed my hair out and applied the toner to my new highlights, which left them a nice wheat shade.

As previously mentioned, I don’t tend to get too many greys.  So, in December, I did buy a Clairol root touch up (hair dye) – and, with a small paint brush, I applied it on a few greys around my temples.  But, I could have just left them as there weren’t too many and they honestly looked OK. 

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It did cross my mind to stop fighting the natural ageing process in favour of letting my silver strands shine through. And, seeing as there’s not a lot of grey showing, I may just leave them, in the future.  The general reaction to going grey is very positive and natural.  I admire women who have decided to let their coloured hair grow out and go “au naturel”.  I’ve heard the growing out phase can be a little tricky.  But, once the natural highlights of silver are through, as I have seen on some women, it can look so stunning!!

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L’Oreal Magic Retouch

Of course, we are almost into March 2019, and I have had my usual half head of highlights done, as well as a much-needed trim.

I still may do my own hair, now and again, as it means I can stall the return to the hairdressing salon by at least four weeks – saving myself a little money.  And, it feels quite liberating, too.

I hope you have enjoyed this post.  If you have any questions, please leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as I can.  If you would like to check my hair out, you can take a look at some images on my Instagram page.  I started Instagram in August 2018 – so you will be able to see some “before and after” images.IMG 0065 1 Midlife and BeyondThis is not a sponsored post – but may Includes some affiliate links

Alison  xx