Three Slip Skirts – How I’m Styling Mine. Plus, Life, Lately.

Three Slip Skirts - How I'm Styling Mine.

Never too early for sparkle!

<strong>Our day in Durham City to celebrate both of our birthdays.</strong>

Our day in Durham City to celebrate both of our birthdays.

 Slip Skirts

The slip skirt is back, once more, this season. The slip skirt is a firm favourite of mine and a versatile staple in my wardrobe.  I have three versions which I have styled, later, in my post.  But, first…..……

We have now passed the autumn equinox, and seasonal changes are afoot.  The fruit trees are heavy with apples and blackberries – making me recollect my young fruit-picking days.  There’s also the absence of birds who have inhabited the garden over the summer months, apart from the resident robin redbreast, who has become quite friendly, swooping down and perching himself, curiously, near.  The beginning of autumn always reminds me of imminent birthdays (mine and my other half’s), Patrick (aka Pat), and a reminder of how fast the years are flying by.

To celebrate, we decided to go to our favourite tea rooms, “Chapters” in Durham City.  We sat outside on the cobbles in the early autumnal sunshine having poached eggs on sourdough bread with a large frothy coffee (me), and a crispy bacon sandwich and americano coffee (Pat).  We enjoy visiting Chapters because it’s a great place to chill and watch the world go by.  This was followed by a little retail therapy.  Pat was looking to buy a pair of Levis, (501’s), which, coincidently, have been voted the most iconic fashion item of all time…… he got fixed up quite quickly as he knew exactly what he wanted. 9C2DC98A 350B 48D3 973A BBF95B05592C Midlife and BeyondHovering in the background, I spotted a pair of jeans I liked the look of, so I tried a few sizes on. And, I found the perfect pair, to suit.  The style is “Baggy Dad”. They are the lightest, softest denim I have ever worn.  This is my first pair of Levis, at sixty-four!   I’ve worn their denim jackets all my life, but never jeans.  In the past, I have worn my sons’, or Pat’s Levis, when they have cast them aside – but, never my own…. I’m thrilled with the style and will do a “jeans” post, soon, because they can be a tricky item to get right.  I’ll share with you how I am wearing these and a few other styles I’ve picked up during the summer months. 

My Baggy Dad Style Levi’s and Pat’s iconic Levi’s 501’s

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London Fashion Week

London Fashion Week ended a little while ago and there were lots on offer to take us through to summer 2025.  The classics such as the trench coats, blazers nipped in with a belt, and wide-legged trousers are on “repeat”, though with a slight variation in the design. There were the usual must-have tweeds, velvet and cashmere along with a colour palette of pink, magenta, orange and……red, which is here to stay – and, the brighter ,the better!

Something I have noted, lately, are Highstreet brands listening to their customers’ requirements. So, there are a lot of styles on repeat, this year. I witnessed this for myself when attempting to buy a matching pair of trousers for my “very” old, favourite jacket in chocolate brown (Zara).  The shade of brown I eventually found was almost perfect. The only problem was the trousers were constantly out of stock. So, I submitted my contact details and size to Marks and Spencer’s, then waited, ready to pounce. While waiting, I was curious about the popularity of these trousers, so I read the customer reviews. I discovered customers had been buying these best sellers for a few years, off the trot.  The marketers have done their research and seem to be now filling their rails with sure-fire, saleable items, which are less likely to end up on the sale rail. I eventually got my trousers. Then, out of curiosity, I checked their availability a few days, afterwards, and saw they were out of stock, again. 

The elusive chocolate brown trousers

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Cream Slip Skirt worn with a long sleeved sequinned top

Slip Skirts

Now, on to my post, and how I have styled my three slip skirts.  I will begin with the newest version – my cream maxi-length slip skirt from Zara, which I bought a few weeks ago and have worn, constantly.  The joy of these skirts is they are an item which will take you through all seasons and can be dressed up or down.  Great with an oversized woollen, jacket and a pair of trainers. Or, alternatively, with heels and sequins – so stylish!

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A collage of my satin slip skirt and sequinned long sleeved topThree Slip Skirts - How I'm Styling Mine
350 Midlife and Beyond

Here is my cream satin skirt with my brown blazer.

Three Slip Skirts - How I'm Styling Mine

Brown Blazer (Zara). Bought this in the sale around five years ago.

Collage of photographs showing my cream slip skirt and brown jacket. Brown jacket with cream slip skirtAll three of my skirts are midi or maxi.  I prefer to wear a slight heel with the slightly longer maxi. At 5ft 6 inches, I feel this elongates my silhouette.  Another must have for these skirts is my “comfortable” support pants – I like breathable ones which smooth out my lumps and bumps, but, not at the expense of breathability or comfort.  I have an old pair which does the job without cutting off circulation, haha.

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Three Slip Skirts - How I'm Styling Mine

Black slip skirt with crisp white fitted shirt.

Slip Skirt – BlackThree Slip Skirts - How I'm Styling Mine


Shop The Post.  This Bomber Jacket was another item I was trying to buy from Marks and Spencer.  It’s currently out of stock once more, but if you like the look of it, leave your size and email and they contact you when back in stock.

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Three Slip Skirts - How I'm Styling Mine

This skirt was originally bought for a holiday. I find this style, whatever the colour, to be like a blank canvas – dressed up or down, it’s suitable for all occasions and, as you can see, so versatile an item to have in your wardrobe.

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Three Slip Skirts - How I'm Styling Mine

Leopard print slip skirt! Bought from Vinted – make is Asos, such a bargain for £7.50

Slip Skirt – Leopard Animal Print

I first saw this slip skirt on Instagram (Asos), and, managed to purchase it from Vinted for a bargain price of £7.50.  I was lucky it was a perfect fit. I find sizing is one of the risks of buying from this online marketplace.

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Three Slip Skirts - How I'm Styling Mine

Little neutral woollen top from Zara…..summer favourite

Three Slip Skirts - How I'm Styling Mine Three Slip Skirts - How I'm Styling Mine Let me know your thoughts in the comments, I would love to hear from you. 

As always, thank you for visiting my blog. 

This post is not sponsored – all items are my own.  You may come across affiliate links. If you click through to the products, there is no cost to you. If you purchase anything, the small commission I receive will contribute to the running of my blog.

Alison x

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  1. Janice Mottram

    Great outfits – where is the long sleeved sequin top in the first photo from please?

    • Thank you, Janice. My top is from River Island, bought in the sale last year. They still have the black version available.

    • Hi Janice,
      I’ve added a few long sleeved sequinned tops onto the page if you would like one. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. I love the look of a slip skirt, but I don’t think I’ve tried one. I do know slip dresses are not for me. There’s something about the way they’re cut (on the bias) that just feels uncomfortable to me. I really love the way you’ve styled all three skirts. They really are a blank canvas, even the leopard print one! That sequin top is quite fabulous!

    • Thank you, Marsha. Slip skirts are a great item to wear now, before the freeze arrives. Love them just as much with trainers and a slouchy top.

  3. /

    I’m not a huge fan of jeans, but I’m very happy with my pre loved Levis! They just fit great right! I also love to sit in a cobbled street area of a city, i have Hastings in my mind, and watching the people passing by enjoying some pastry. Love the skirts, I have a few too, but they are not warm at all, that’s what I dislike. I need to dress warner underneath!

    • Levis, if you get the right pair to suit are such an addition to anyones wardrobe – I’ve worn mine a lot. The slip skirts are not great to wear with thick tights underneath, hence, warmer materials are required when the ice and snow arrives.

  4. /

    Some great outfits. I love the leopard skirt and also the cream slip skirt with sequin top. I’ve had lots of Levis over the years, mostly 501s. I only really loved one pair that became very soft. I even turned them into shorts. Regarding M&S stock availability….they constantly advertise trousers and show a purple pair. Yet they’re never in stock. I can’t understand why they feature them but never stock them.

    • Thank you, Gail. The softness and lightweight denim of my Levi’s was important for wearability. It seems M & S and other retailers are buying from their suppliers cautiously, hence, the end of season sale stock is massively reduced – makes sense business wise, but, the result can be tedious for us customers having to check stock continuously.

  5. /

    You have a beautiful collection of slip skirts! I love how you styled all of these looks! My favorite is the first outfit with the sequin top! So pretty!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

    • Thank you, Jill. I’m bringing my sequins out early! Slip skirts are one of my favourite go to’s as they are so versatile.

  6. I have always loved how others have styled slip skirts: these are all great and look fantastic, but after buying a slip dress and only wearing it twice, I decided that I did not like the fabric and how it fit me. Might have been that it was not the best quality, I don’t know.

  7. I love the slip skirt and sparkly top! M&S often run out of stock of popular pieces, I had to track down the trending leopard print top and wide leg jeans like a sleuth! Thanks for linking!

    Emma xxx

    • Thank you, Emma. The sparkly top will be getting a good old run out in the month ahead. x

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