How I’ve “De-cluttered” My Wardrobe

Going with the understanding that it can be a cathartic process, I decided to have a good old sort through my wardrobe and ‘get my stuff in order’!!

It was a mammoth task which needed to be tackled. This initial job was basically so that I could ‘see the wood for the trees”, i.e. trying to create order, instead of a load of old clutter.

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My handy storage box.

This is the perfect time of year to do this – in preparation for the switch from winter to spring/summer – a wardrobe reshuffle, if you like – giving my summer dresses, shirts and tee’s a more prominent position. This was a crucial exercise, especially when space is an issue, which, it is for most.

The first thing I did was to put the winter items to one side, which I know I won’t be using for, hopefully, quite a few months. Some woollens were washed and stored (folded and flat) to keep their shape. Living in the North East of England, sweaters and cardigans rarely stay in their moth-proof storage bags for long, due to the occasional icy blast from the coast. So, they are stored loosely, within touching distance.

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My coats were stored to the side of the wardrobe and I stole some space in my hubby’s wardrobe area to hang the rest (he hasn’t mentioned it so mustn’t have noticed!).

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Jarvis – My little helper!

All my winter scarfs were neatly packed into a clear perspex box. You can usually buy a pack of three for £10.00 and they are so handy to store stuff in, plus they are clear, so you can see what is in there. I used another to put all my swimming and holiday items in. Prior to this, I’d had everything stuffed in a bag and you can imagine the creased state they were in when I emptied it prior to packing for a holiday – not ideal. So, hopefully, all items will be “good to go”.

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It was very cathartic, getting everything in order!!

I put all of my summer clothes on the bed and categorised them – dresses, tee’s, skirts etc…. then I started making piles of items. 1. Keep; 2. Not sure??; 3. Sell (which I’ve never done so far); and 4. Charity Bag.

It can be tricky when you are unsure about parting with an item. I’ve made the mistake a few times of getting rid of something, and then regretting it. I did try some items on to see if they still fitted, looked good, or, if I could do a quick tweak to make them current and on-trend. Sometimes you come across that little gem that you had forgotten about. You’ve probably guessed that I’m not keen on throwing things out or parting with ‘stuff’ until I’m totally sure.

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I use this small basket to store socks and tights in.

Following this mammoth de-clutter, I feel so much better, and know most of my clothes are where they are supposed to be and are easily accessible.

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I have made a few updates to my summer wardrobe by freshening it up. It’s great to bring in a few welcome additions and, now, because I’m mindful of what I already have, I can think of items that will complement the new clothes. I am more aware of what I already have, which, has opened some wardrobe/styling possibilities for my old favourites.

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The unsure pile – do they stay or go??

Thank you for reading my post. I hope you enjoyed it.  If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments.



This is not a sponsored post. All items are my own.



  1. /

    I love the swap over from winter to summer and hate the winter from summer! I bought the “Sucky bags” as I like to call them. It’s unbelievable how much you can store in them. I look forward to seeing your summer wardrobe Alison xx

    • I’ll have to try the “sucky bags”, i’ve heard they are greaat for storing stuff. Yes, we just need the sun to shine now and we
      can wear our summer wardrobe.

  2. Very nice job and reasoning! I revamped my Spring – Summer wardrobe this year, as I made a choice to donae and get rid of things I wasn’t interested in or weren’t wearing. I carefully did this as well, as I didn’t want to feel badly about getting rid of something.
    Interesting post!
    thanks for linking@!
    jess xx

    • I certainly feel much more organised in the fact that I can now find my clothes and have some order. I was
      careful and thought about the things I was sending to the charity shop, as I’ve made the mistake in the past of parting
      with the odd thing, then regretting it.

  3. /

    I am de-cluttering my wardrobe at the minute. I am finding it hard to let things go but I know I will never get into a lot of them again as I use to run a lot but have now gained weight and stopped running as much. Thanks so much for sharing your post with us at Creative Mondays. Have a great weekend and we hope to see you on Monday.

    • Thank you, Claire. It was great for me having a de-clutter. I tend to do it at the end of summer, then
      the end of winter. I must admit I’m not good at getting rid of items. I’ve regretted it in the past. So, so careful now.
      Hope you have had a lovely weekend!

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